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Cerebellum – The ‘Little Brain’ that Makes the Difference

  What separates humans from other animals? One of the significant differences which makes us special is our brain. Many different parts of the human...

Medical Devices that Changed the World – Part II

  With the continuous progress in medical science, today we are able to monitor our own health right at the comfort of our homes. Today,...

Medical Devices that Changed the World – Part I

  One of the main purposes of Science has always been to make our life easier in every possible way. Medical science has contributed in...

The Origin of SARS Virus Began with Bats

  As the world continues to battle with the Ebola virus, scientists have been able to solve a decade-long mystery. SARS was a pandemic in...

Five Health Myths Debunked

  There are many health facts which over a period of time have been believed to be myths. One of the reasons is the continuous...

Immune System – Human Body’s Secret Weapon

  Human body is a marvel of creation. Our body with all its qualities makes an exciting specimen for research. One of the secret weapons...

History of Nutrition – Food for Thought

  Staying healthy has become one of the most vital challenges mankind faces today. The fast food culture has grown ten folds leading to a population...

Life in a Bottle – The Miller–Urey Experiment

  It is still unclear as to what were the exact environmental conditions which led to the origin of life on Earth. Today we shall...

Extinct Undersea Volcanoes Cause Tsunami Earthquakes

  Off lately one of the most dreaded natural disasters which have caused destruction at a global scale are the Tsunamis. Everybody knows how devastating...

Understanding the Small World Effect – Part II

  Continuing with the previous post we look at some more interesting connections related to the Small Word Effect phenomenon and how could it really...