The Blogbuddy Experience



You can blog about movies, food, games, travel or anything else in the world. But you can’t blog without a community. That’s the first thing you will gain out of Blog Chatter’s Blogbuddy program which is now in its 3rd run –

Blogbuddy 3.0

It is an important lesson, and it is not restricted to this context, it is applicable to all aspects of life – personal, professional, work or play.

One cannot exist without the other and vice versa.

The community makes you just as much as you make the community. As a society is the sum of its individuals, the individuals are parts that make the society.

So in that sense,

A blogger without a blogbuddy is like

a writer without a reader

a poet without a muse

a chef without a knife

a filmmaker without a script

a photographer without a camera

But to experience this community feeling in the blogging sphere is rare, especially if you are starting off and don’t know which directions to follow. Even experienced bloggers may miss this vital aspect of blogging. So Blogbuddy comes to rescue for everyone.

And, it works, trust me. If you are into blogging or writing or creating content in general, then blogging is a great medium to start in, and with a platform like Blog Chatter, you have such holistic programs that you get a deeper experience of all blogging has to offer.

If you miss this, you will miss blogging.


I am a Blogbuddy with Blogchatter

Are You?


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