As usual, I was in the flow of things – working on multiple projects, barely finding time to do some of my own writing & blogging. That is when multiple things happened in quick succession at BlogChatter. The BlogChatter Badges came out and soon the first month-long blogging campaign was announced – #MyFriendAlexa.
Before that many other challenges & campaigns like Half Marathon, Half Time 2016 etc. were continuously happening. I had managed to participate in only one or two. As I was distancing from blogging, BlogChatter came to the rescue again. The adorable Blog Chatter Badges and the Alexa Campaign stirred me up (or would it be appropriate to say ‘lured me’).
The Alexa one did seem like a major headache at first when I went through the mail.
But the eerie sense of a tight exam time table faded away once I began taking time out to participate in these small tasks – reading blogs, tweeting, connecting with other bloggers.
What seemed like an impossible chore at the start become one of the most engaging activities I did through the day. Just reading these diverse blog posts of so many different and unique awesome bloggers engulfed me into this warm sense of community which I had lost touch with.
Come to think of it, I had never really experienced this togetherness when it came to blogging before. Maybe a few times – like through BlogBuddy program – I had experienced it. But for majority of the time I spent on blogging, I was mainly operating in a silo mode, without much thought to the main aspect of blogging – the community.
This realization came to me as I was engaging with this lovely community and it also reminded me of my teacher’s stern words…
If there is anything that blogging shall always represent it is community. It is building engagement and interactions with peers, readers and even potential sponsors to amplify your efforts online (and offline). Else if you believe in idea of silos, perhaps Microsoft Word would be just fine!
On the second day, I was overcome with such a sense of joy and gratefulness when I was going through all the blogs listed for that day’s reading list. I had spent the entire day out cycling around the city, attending several meets, and I had reached home late. Despite of that I was eager and bubbling with energy to go through another set of blogs and interact with these awesome bloggers.
I moved from ‘I am not getting time to write even a single blog post a week’ to ‘ I can easily read 4 blogs per day and write 2 blogpost per week’ just in the first day of #MyFriendAlexa. So I am really excited to see from where to where my blog moves through the month… 😀
Day 1: Alexa Rank: 2,364,529 Day 30: Alexa Rank: :):):):):)
Again I am truly grateful to BlogChatter for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful family of bloggers, and giving me countless opportunities to learn, grown and participate in so many unbelievably awesome activities and campaigns.
So it’s not just a tagline…
Blog Better with BlogChatter
it’s the bottomline!!
Something which I really thought I wouldn’t be able to keep up with, ended up reinvigorating my spirits and revived the blogging shaitan in me. So here’s to #MyFriendAlexa! Now I will be going to check out 4 new blogs, connect with new bloggers, and do some tweeting after publishing this post.
I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next level with Blogchatter
Alexa Rank: 2,364,529
I love being a part of community that grows and interact … Hope you rankings soar by the end of the month 🙂 Glad to have come across your blog.
Thanks for dropping by Rajlakshmi. Hope your rankings have soared and continue to soar. It was quite exciting to reading both your awesome blogs. Glad to have stumbled across you too!
Yes man 🙂
Its an awesome community !!
and happy that we old all herd up together 🙂
Thanks Sam! It is..let’s make sure our bonds strengthen and we may grow together.
Hey all the best for September and wish you a great Alexa rank.
Thanks for dropping by Tina. Wishing you the same and a great wishes come as belated.. 😀
Wow! You have summed up your journey with Blogchatter so beautifully here. Loved it! Glad to connect with you here in this beautiful galaxy of bloggers. Keep writing and sharing,Omkar! 🙂
Thanks Saumy. It is just the spirit of community that connects us together, which allows all the creativity to flow effortlessly 🙂
Way to go Omkar ! Looking forward to reading awesome posts from you !
Thanks for dropping by Atul. Same here!
Blogchatter is amazing like that, isn’t it? When I had lost my blogging mojo, these guys Kickstarted it and how! The community aspect is really where the magic of blogging is.
Haha ya, they are the Kickstarters alright! They come and Boinggg… and you are spring-boarded into a new space.
You summed up for me as well.I had also been a bit away from blogging for a while and blogchatter campaign brought me back into the fold.As you said,it is always nice to connect with fellow bloggers
Hey Subha. It is truly a wonderful opportunity, to discover new blogs, experience new forms of creativity flowing through different kinds of writing, and connect with the creators behind it all. Hope to see you drop by again.
Hello Omkar! its fantastic that you’ve finally discovered the true spirit of blogging together in a community , that actually is the deal breaker and i wish you all the joy that this activity would bring you not just in the #MyFriendAlexa month but beyond ..
Thanks Chandni. It is a great experience and a journey filled with a lot of learning and discovery. Wishing you all the more joy from here and beyond!
you have voiced out my expereince with Blogchatter too – loving the community feel of blogging and yes learning from so many different blog posts is just amazing.
Exactly Shalz, it is such a unique experience to not just connect with new bloggers, but get the chance to see some amazing creativity, and also through the process discover some new things for yourself which may click and you would end up experimenting with…
Omkar you are among the few people who understand the BlogBuddy concept and the essence of Blogchatter really well. You understand the importance of community rather well. Have fun reading
Thanks Jai maam. I have taken inspiration from similar people who have inspired the Blogchatter team too like to name one – Jeff Goins 🙂
Nice..I think we all think this way about blog chatter and for me also it is something which is is like a daily dose of motivation to read and write and you have summed it up very nicely 🙂
ya Deepa, that could be why we are so strongly connected.Hoping to see you again! Thanks.
Blogchatter is amazing and you’ve summed up the importance of community writing and being together well.
Thanks Roms! Blogchatter is a great community led by a lovely team. I feel lucky to have stumbled across it, and gotten the opportunity to attend Blogchatter Classes and be a part of other campaigns and activities online. Hope to see you drop by again.