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Space Robots that Will Give an Edge to Future Space Exploration...

  The future of humanity may depend on the current efforts and accomplishments in the field of space exploration. Recent attempts like the Mangalyaan launched...

Can the Torino Scale Save Earth From Armageddon?

  Asteroids and comets always pose a threat to collide with planets in the universe. Earth is no exception as well. Our planet has also...

Top Ten Facts About Water

  Water, as we all know is an essential component of not only our planet but of our body as well. This vital fluid is...

Our Sun is Not Alone

  The star performer which always takes the center stage in our solar system is the Sun. So what if the sun had a twin...

Life in a Bottle – The Miller–Urey Experiment

  It is still unclear as to what were the exact environmental conditions which led to the origin of life on Earth. Today we shall...

Exoplanets – The Hunt for the New Worlds Is On

  With rapid developments in the fields of astronomy, the existence of exoplanets has become a reality now. As of September 2014, more than 1800...

Can we Cure Death and Create Life From Scratch?

  Medical science can achieve some remarkable feats in the future. One of Google’s dream project announced is the research of achieving something which seems...

Is Life Just a Bizarre Fluke?

  Many questions pertaining to our life are still unanswered and one of the fundamental questions about life is the most perplexing: Why are we...

Can SETI Break the Eerie Silence of Space?

  There are many people including scientists who have a strong belief that we are not alone in this universe. However, we still await for some...

Perpetual Motion if Proved Would Defy Laws of Physics

  Today we look at one of the concepts which if proved to be valid would defy the laws of thermodynamics. This would change the world...