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Tag: space exploration

Manmade Spacecrafts Soon To Travel At The Speed Of Light

  Of all the spacecraft humans have launched, there have been some impressively fast movers. But which holds the record? Apart from the wow factor,...

Origin of the Universe

  The Start… We all know of our planet, the Earth, the one which we live on. The solar system and the eight planets within our...

Is There DNA in Space?

  We have been finding evidence of life inside meteorites for many years now. One of the ways to find it is identifying the DNA...

Research on Tadpole Galaxies Shed New Light on Milky Way’s Origin

  Scientists still research and make new discoveries and theories about origin of life on Earth. Along with this there is a growing curiosity among...

The Future For Velocimetry

  Man’s endeavor to discover life in space has been a continuous effort since generations. Discovery of a large number of exoplanets has given a...

Discovery of Earth-like Exoplanets on the Rise

  Extrasolar planets which are also called as exoplanets are planets which are outside the solar system. As of July 2013, NASA has identified 919...

Curiosity Rover Reveals Possible Oasis on Mars

  Scientists and astronomers of NASA seem to be making great strides in the Mars Exploration Mission. In today’s space age when we seek answers...

Futuristic Advanced Telescopes May Prevent the Next Chelyabinsk

  After the recent Chelyabinsk Event, where an asteroid came crashing down injuring over a 1000 people, preparations are being made to prevent such catastrophes in...

Undefined Borders in Space

  To casual stargazers, space seems to have no boundaries. Yet fans of NASA's farthest-flung spacecraft can’t stop talking about how the  probe is on...

Supernova and its Effect on Earth

  Star explosions are called supernova. Supernova are thought to eject many elements at enormous speed, they also emit high energy e.g. gamma radiations. Such...