Tag: exploring the unknown
The Grey Man of Ben MacDhui – A Reality or an...
Ben MacDhui is the second highest mountain in Scotland, standing at over 4,000 feet. Something very strange and unexplained has been observed by several...
The Legendary Bigfoot – Larger Than Life We Hope!
On June 19, 2014 a couple passing through the forests of Sundance Utah in their car managed to capture a video footage of what...
The Mysterious Beast of Bodmin Moor
The Beast of Bodmin - whether it is a native cat, previously thought extinct, or an escaped exotic pet, the Beast of Bodmin is...
The Mysterious Mongolian Death Worm
Not only in the deep underwater ocean we have mysterious creatures but even on land such as Gobi Desert there is a possibility of...
The Lusca & St. Augustine Phenomena
We know more about the surface of the moon than we do about the bottom of our deepest oceans,’ so the old saying goes....
The Legendary Story of El Dorado – City of Gold
For more than four centuries adventurers have sought the legendary city of El Dorado in the mountains and jungles of South America. It has...
Garden of Eden – Primeval Paradise
The existence of a paradise on Earth where all was perfection has been part of human belief from earliest times. Its location may never...
Shangri-La – A Heavenly Abode
A harmonious community situated somewhere in Asia, a dream world to fulfil all human aspirations: James Hilton’s Shangri-La captured the imagination of the Western...
Atlantis – A Lost Continent
The wealthy island of Atlantis was supposedly peopled by virtuous citizens, boasted golden walls and silver temples, pleasure gardens and a racecourse, but was...
Avalon – King Arthur’s Resting Place
The island of Avalon belongs to the realm of the imagination, yet its location has been eagerly sought. The discovery of what many believe...