Tag: future
The Future of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Mind Reading Machines
The gadget blogs may work themselves into a frenzy over mega-pixels and processor speed. But if you want to know what really dazzles the...
Space and its Infinite Parallel Worlds
If you were to head out into the cosmos, traveling ever farther, would you find that space goes on indefinitely, or that it abruptly...
What is the Role of Life in the Universe?
Scientists tell stories with the power to inspire. Geologists can tell a story of the titanic forces that have shaped the planet. Chemists can...
The Renaissance of Wearable Devices
Philippe Kahn is co-founder and CEO of Fullpower Technologies, maker of the MotionX technology that is integrated in Nike and Jawbone products. In 1997...
What is Global Warming? The Debate, Urgency, Issues and the Threat...
What is Global Warming? A question you might have correctly answered back in your school days. As far as I can remember, it was...
Materials That Could Change the World
Scientific and technological domains drive industrial innovation and gives rise to inventions such as various materials that we see and use in our daily...
The Thin Line Between the Dream World and the Real World...
We sit on the cusp of a new world fraught with astonishing possibility, potential, and peril as people shift from face-to-face to virtual interaction....
The Thin Line Between the Dream World and the Real World...
Imagine you never aged, could shed pounds of cellulite, or put on muscle mass at the touch of a button. Think about never having...
The Thin Line Between the Dream World and the Real World...
RIGHT NOW, WE’RE INSIDE A COMPUTER PROGRAM?” With that monotone query, a very confused Neo, played by Keanu Reeves in the blockbuster film The...
Convergence of Smart Devices Promise Better Living
In today’s world of ultra-fast communication, speed is not the only criteria. It is the convergence of various features coming together in a single...