Tag: spirituality
Building a Truly Healthy Body and Mind
Though cancer is a leading killer in the world today, it is still not clearly understood how cancer cells are formed. Many experts feel...
Strong Life Force is the Key to Recovery
When told that illness can be overcome through faith, some may feel this implies that doctors are unnecessary or that medical science can be...
Polishing the Diamond Within Your Life
Human life possesses the fundamental potential for strength and weakness, beauty and vileness, talent and ineptitude, good and evil. These potentials manifest in response...
Transcending the Beast Within
A single acorn falls to the ground; eventually a sprout appears, grows and matures to become a giant oak. Splitting an acorn open and...
Cultivating Magnificent Power and Capability Through Effort
A wise quote with a lot of significance and meaning, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb...
Do You Believe In Yourself?
What is belief? It is the acceptance and placing of trust in a particular action, object or person. It is, in essence, the basis...
Human Life – A Rare Oppurtunity
It is now thought that the universe began approximately 15 billion years ago, and that some 4.5 billion years ago the Earth was formed....
Placing the Happiness of Others First
"...Despite of all the progress, developments in various fields, we somewhere lost the wisdom to develop ourselves and nourish our togetherness to be independent...
Seeking Constant Improvement in the World of Learning
Learning is a translation of the Japanese word shomon, literally “voice hearer,” referring to those who directly heard and passed on Shakyamuni Buddha’s teachings....
Chasing After Money And Objects Of Desire
We often hear people make statements like, “I was in heaven,” or “His head was in the clouds.” When we experience great joy, we...