Polishing the Diamond Within Your Life



Human life possesses the fundamental potential for strength and weakness, beauty and vileness, talent and ineptitude, good and evil. These potentials manifest in response to “external causes” or influences in our environment. When we meet a good influence or external cause, the potential for good within our lives reveals itself. A negative influence in the environment triggers our less desirable potential.

Diamond is used analogy for the state of human life because of its great strength and imperviousness to change, its constant brilliance, and the great value that people place on it. But these qualities are not always present right from its origin. Diamonds in their raw and uncut form are rough and possess little luster. But when polished with diamond dust, they begin to spark beautifully, like the true jewels they are.

It may be difficult to imagine a beautiful, diamond-like potential existing within us, since our lives seem to be “tarnished” by various shortcomings. But we all have the ability to polish the diamond like potential within us. A mind which presently is clouded by illusions originating from the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but once it is polished it will become clear, reflecting the enlightenment of immutable truth.

“Even a tarnished mirror will shine like a jewel if it is polished. A mind which presently is clouded by illusions originating from the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but once it is polished it will become clear, reflecting the enlightenment of immutable truth. We have to believe in the magnificence of our own lives and polish ourselves internally in order to tap the tremendous power that resides within…”

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