One of the most interesting phenomenon’s of human beings is our creativity, our ability to transform the world, our abilities to imagine new possibilities, probe the perimeters of possibilities and remix the present. Today we share a picture story of how a man from Lithuania transformed a junk Mercedes CLK class into an exotic car by using putty! Creativity is madness. Check out this cool video about finding your creative flow state.
Before we begin here is a quote which fits perfectly to this piece of art.
We might say that both the artist and the neurotic bite off more than they can chew, but the artist spews it back out again and chews it over in an objectified way, as an external, active, work project. – Ernest Becker

We have always been fascinated by the relationship between creativity and madness. This of course implies to a willingness of going to unknown places, to visit mental landscapes that are alien, willingness to sort of leave ones comfort zone, decondition ones thinking, to go to other realms of the mind.
Us as consumers of art, we pay money for them to take us to places that we can’t go by ourselves. Artists should be considered as heroes, luminaries or even madmen who have somehow coaxed and domesticated their madness towards useful ends with ideas of always having functional outputs. For artists it is like going to Oz or going down that rabbit hole and somehow return to tell the tale.
Human creativity is an undying will – an innate force that surpasses time and continues to flourish endlessly. It is the element that will prevail as a life force for as long as humanity will continue to exist.
Source: WonderfulEngineering