How to Make a Quick Healthy Breakfast

Muesli Jar Containing the richest, freshest, organic ingredients


This is an oats recipe which is as healthy as it can possibly be.

The ingredients which we will be using are.

1. Oats
I have used Quaker Oats

quaker oats for making a healthy vegan breakfast
2. Jaggery
A healthier form of sugar, less processed.

jaggery cubes derived from sugar cane
jaggery cubes derived from sugar cane

3. Water or Almond Milk or Soy Milk (Organic Non GMO)
This recipe is plant based or Vegan. So it’s far more healthier than your regular breakfast

Aurosoya's Organic Soy Milk
4. Chikki or nuts crush
My village special. Got it from Mahableshwar. Thought of adding it for some texture and flavor. (Chikki is a traditional ready-to-eat Indian sweet generally made from groundnuts and jaggery.)

Chikki from Mahabaleshwar
5. Muesli (Organic & Fresh) from Aurosoya
I got this in Pune during the Vegan Fest 2015. Picked it up at Aurosoya’s stall along with their Smoked Tofu.

Organic Muesli from Auroville


(The last time I had this, I made it using water since I was out of Soy milk and Almond milk. It tastes equally good using water, and much lighter on the tummy. )

1. Cook the Muesli in water for 5 mins

2. Add in Oats and cook for another 5-10 mins

3. Continue stirring and mixing and adding the water in order to make sure it is evenly cooked and it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the vessel.

4. Add the chikki towards the end. Crush it into tiny bits and sprinkle over the almost cooked Oats Muesli Mix

5. Switch off  the gas and let it cool down for a bit.

Secret Tip: Finally before having, if you have The Real Green Cafe’s Vegan Gingerbread Cookies then you can crush them and sprinkle it over the Oats for that added munch and crunch.


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P.S. This post is part of the January blogathon hosted by #kowthas and today’s prompt is “Write a HOW-TO post. It can be about anything, DIY, Hack, Recipe, Blog trick” linked here.


Blogathon by Kowthas
Blogathon Hosted by

P.S.S. I turned this into a recipe post because this was something I had earlier this evening and also I had to get to bed early to rise early, so a quick healthy vegan recipe was the most effective way to approach today’s blogathon challenge. No, need to worry though, as I have covered up my days word count quota by journaling my 1000 words per day in my Evernote App.

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