Parent-Child Relationship Advice For Building a Successful Career – Part I



It is said that of all the relations one makes in their lives, the relation between a mother and a child is always nine months older. Parents play the pivotal role in the development of the child. They can make a significant difference in grooming a growing child and that is reflected when the child grows into an adult and has his or her own family.

However in today’s busy world parents tend to neglect their children. They are busy with their work and social gatherings so much that they are unable to spend quality time with their children. This can result in two things, either the children will become wayward and could succumb to bad company and indulge in bad habits or they will be responsible enough to handle things on his own. Still it is imperative from parents’ point of view to pay heed to their children as they seek guidance in all walks of life.

Check out the following steps how parents can help their child excel and come out as winners in all areas of life.

1. Help teachers to know you and your kids – We may feel that in schools, parents must only be seen but not heard. However, teachers must strike a chord and need to assess more information about the child from their parents. Years ago, when teachers lived in their students’ neighborhoods, parents and teachers casually exchanged information after church or in the store. But in today’s huge schools, some kids are never more than a name in a roll book.

Parents can rescue their children from anonymity by getting to know teachers. Once a teacher can attach a child to a parent’s face, that child becomes a flesh-and-blood individual from a real family. Contact teachers if your child has problems that may affect schoolwork. It is easy for teachers to misunderstand and give up on students who avoid work or misbehave. When a student sees a parent and a teacher join forces for his or her own benefit, miracles can happen.

2. Be realistic –  One reason we teachers shy away from parents is that we tend to hear from them only when they are protesting a punishment the child deserved or trying to pressure us into raising marks. They won’t admit that the kid hasn’t worked or just doesn’t have the ability to earn higher marks. It is important for parents to understand that every child cannot have the same kind of skills and that each child has their own interests and can excel in certain subjects. If this is understood by parents from the very beginning then later in life the children have more flexibility in choosing their career options. Nowadays there are several streams in which students can build their careers.

3. Acknowledge good educators – Most of our professional life is spent with students behind classroom doors. We get little recognition from other adults and seldom hear what effects we’re having on students’ lives. A phone Call or letter of thanks can have tremendous impact. We’ll have an incentive to take special note of your child.

4. Get to know other parents – Share information. If you suspect that a teacher is doing a poor job, for example, ask parents of others in their class whether they agree. If you have to confront a school official on a major issue, you will feel more confident with others along.

5. Pay attention to your children – Too many parents are leaving tool much up to the school and the child himself. Parents don’t realize that high-school kids need just as much attention as younger ones—maybe more. The kids come home smiling, and the parents assume everything is fine. If they knew about the sex, liquor and drugs, they’d drop dead. Parents who don’t spend much time with their children often end up looking for a quick solution to infuse their kids with knowledge. Some think some extra coaching will make up for years of neglect. Many of these parents do little reading themselves and spend hours vegetating in front of the TV. One thing I’m certain will improve school performance: do not allow a child to watch too much TV.

6. Celebrate your child’s successes – Parents and teachers tend to focus] too much on academics. Sometimes we judge children’s very worth as human beings by their marks. But not all children will be academic stars. Help your child experience some form of success that engenders confidence, a goal more important than academic achievement.

In the next post, we will share some more steps which can really strengthen the bond between parents and their children. These are very simple to follow but will surely give a tremendous boost to develop this precious bond.


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