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Parent-Child Relationship Advice For Building a Successful Career – Part II

  From our previous post, we have learnt that good parenting plays a very important role in helping a child build his or her career....

Parent-Child Relationship Advice For Building a Successful Career – Part I

  It is said that of all the relations one makes in their lives, the relation between a mother and a child is always nine...

Life is Short, So What Will Matter in the End?

  You might have already thought a lot and talked about things surrounding your life and career, like - weighing the most favourable options available...

Why Our Educational System, Society, Family and Parents Fails Us –...

  This is where the ever-absent holistic view comes to the picture. We go to the gym to work on our bodies, and get the appearance...

Why Our Educational System, Society, Family and Parents Fails Us

  The educated man chooses the best of what he sees, and in that choice is where he mostly ends up getting the worst. A...

Late Marriage May Bring Genetic Mutations in Offsprings

  Genetic science has been of great interest in the scientific world as it constitutes some of the most important linkages to our evolution. Still...

The Tree of Life

  Some people are meant to come into your life for a lifetime, some for only a season and you got to know which is...

Humanity’s Real Disease : The Thinning Bonds of Understanding

  The real threat is not what can be seen with your eyes. It is not any external occurrence that has ever been the reason...

Ignorance is the Root Cause of Self Destruction

  What is the major cause of death in our world? Is it a pandemic? Is it a disease? Is it a calamity? Or is...

Empathy is the Liberation From Innate Darkness

  Being considerate is a matter of the heart. thus, to be considerate is to have concern for others, to empathize with them especially when...