The Holy Grail – A Symbol of Romance or Enlightenment?



Arthurian literature is filled with the tales of King Arthur. The Bibliography includes many tales related to King Arthur’s family, friends and enemies. The Holy Grail is one of the many remarkable things in several writings described as a dish, plate, stone, or cup. The Holy Grail has become a favorite among many writers, translators, continuators and interpreters who have associated it to many other incidents like The Last Supper, Wolfram von Eschenbach and even with Celtic Myth cauldron which had special powers.

The legacy of the Holy Gal has been passed on since centuries and there are various writings which suggest different artifacts as the Holy Grail. In March 2014, through their book Los Reyes del Grial, authors Margarita Torres and José Ortega del Río have mentioned that the Holy Grail was taken to the city of Leon in the 11th century.

The Grail is believed to be the chalice of the Eucharist or dish of the Pascal lamb used by Christ at the Last Supper.

According to them, the Chalice of Doña Urraca at the Basilica of San Isidoro was believed to be the Holy Grail in that period. Meanwhile in the same month, Spanish historians claimed that they had found the Biblical cup which was used during the Last Supper by Jesus Cup. According to them, after years of research, they have concluded that a medieval goblet displayed in Spain for 1000 years holds the Christ’s chalice.

The Cup Which is Kept at a Spanish Museum is Believed to be the Holy Grail

The Holy Grail has also been a favorite in the fields of fantasy, historical fiction and science fiction. In the famous bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, the Holy Grail is mentioned as not a cup but the womb and later the earthly remains of Mary Magdalene, a religious figure in Christianity.

Almost all of our understanding of the Holy Grail is derived from romantic Arthurian tales of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. However, there are some generally accepted details. The Grail is believed to be the chalice of the Eucharist or dish of the Pascal lamb used by Christ at the Last Supper.

Romantic tales say that Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table set off on a holy quest to find the Grail.

This vessel was taken by Joseph of Arimathea, who used it to collect blood from the crucified body of Christ. An alternative theory is that it was a chalice given to Joseph by Christ in a vision. This vessel’s holy powers sustained Joseph for 42 years during his incarceration by the Jews.

In either case, Joseph brought the holy chalice to Britain, thus beginning the true legend. Some people believe the Holy Grail was secretly passed down through generations of Joseph’s descendants. Others believe it is buried in the Chalice Well at Britain’s oldest holy city, Glastonbury, which indicates a connection to Arthurian legend.

Glastonbury Tor is a Famous Hill in Glastonbury

Romantic tales say that Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table set off on a holy quest to find the Grail. More reliable legend says the Cathars had possession of the Grail and hid it in the Pyrenees before they were over-run.

It has been suggested that they may have kept it at their stronghold of Montségur, which was actually searched by Nazi forces looking for the Grail during the Second World War. Others believe the Cathars hid it at Rennes-le-Château, or gave the chalice to the Knights Templar for safe-keeping.

Some researchers believe a field in Shropshire hides the Grail under its surface, and another tradition states that a wooden cup in a Welsh country house is the true artefact.

The organised church does not credit any legend of its existence, although that should not be seen as any indication that it is purely a myth.

Whether any evidence of the fabled chalice’s existence is ever found or not, the story of the Holy Grail will continue to puzzle Man for many years to come.


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