World Environment Day – An Attempt to Prevent Glacial Lake Outbursts



June 5th is celebrated as World Environment Day worldwide, a day which gives us the opportunity to introspect ourselves as to whether we are doing enough to protect our already depleting environment. Leaders from US, China and even the EU are also making attempts to focus on measures to tackle the greenhouse gas pollution and global warming. Environmental conditions all over the world have raised severe concerns as global meltdown stares right on our faces. 

As temperatures rise around the globe, glaciers are shrinking at an unprecedented rate. The resulting glacial meltwater can form dangerous lakes contained only by unstable rock and debris. These can burst from their basins at any moment, flooding communities and potentially killing thousands.

But there is hope. Researchers all around the world are making attempts to understand our present environment and striving hard to find out measures to control it. One such person is Alton Byers. Equipped with mountaineering gear and a Ph.D. in geography, Alton Byers, the director of science and exploration at the non-profit Mountain Institute in Washington, D.C., has spent his career traversing treacherous high-altitude ridges and navigating alpine wilderness to prepare remote Himalayan villages for climate change.

His latest project — the High Mountain Glacial Watershed Program — blends the best of modern technology with on-the-ground observation to mitigate the coming challenges associated with glacial lake outbursts. As told to Tasha Eichenseher for Discover Magazine (USA), Alton Byers shares his experience.

Alton Byers has worked on Imja Lake in the Mount Everest area with local communities, the University of Texas at Austin and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Imja was a glacier back in the 1960s, and now it is 66 million cubic meters of water. When a glacier moves down a valley, it pushes aside rock, soil and debris, creating a moraine, or levee-type horseshoe-shaped structure.

When that glacier recedes, it leaves a basin, enclosed by the moraine and remaining glacial ice, which fills with meltwater. Ground-penetrating radar determined that Imja Lake is held there by a very fragile moraine. And to add insult to injury, we discovered that the moraine still has an ice center. If you start digging a canal through the levee and into adjacent land to try and lower the lake, you’re going to hit ice.

Eventually, the sun will melt the newly exposed ice, and you might end up creating a flood, as opposed to preventing one. One of the best solutions has come from local people. Immediately downstream is a huge basin that floodwater from Imja would naturally spill into. It is bordered by the remains of an old moraine.

One of the local partners, Sonam Hishi Sherpa has suggested to build a little 60-meter-high section that closes off this entire basin. Modeling different scenarios showed that this would actually reduce the risk by 80 percent. Whereas if you lowered Imja Lake by 3 meters, as was originally proposed, you would reduce the risk by less than 2 percent. We’ll continue working with the locals to fix the looming problem and to develop a disaster management plan. In addition to the glacial lake, the area is also prone to earthquakes, which could trigger a glacial lake outburst.

Alton Byers Crossing the Himalayas While Investigating Glacial Lake Outbursts

Byers says he has not personally seen an outburst, but believes that he may have the only set of photographs that show the aftermath. It happened in 1998 in a remote valley not too far from the Everest area. Witnesses of outbursts have described the water sloshing from side to side as it descends at up to 60 mph, and the accompanying moaning of the flood, and the smell. The smell has been described as everything from rotten eggs to gunpowder. To suddenly look up and see this wall of debris roaring toward you must be one of the most frightening ways to die. Just to be safe, Alton purchased a little brass Buddha and set it down facing the lake. It’s nice to have all bases covered.

This is just one of the initiatives taken to prevent our environment from further degradation. However, the rate at which the pollution is increasing more such steps are required. Hopefully, we will see more proactive initiatives in the future. Until then we can always do something of our own for the environment. We owe this much at least to our Mother Nature don’t we?


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