The Desire For Perfection



Since the days of old, people have been attempting to define the term “human”. One French saying describes man as un roseau pensant, “, a thinking reed”. Human beings have also been called “tool-using animals,” “man the wise” (Homo sapiens). And “the animal that reasons.” We have referred to ourselves as “social animals” or even “man the foolish.”

Amid the varied environments and emotions of daily living, it is a temporary state of calmness or passivity that one may experience while spending time at home with the family, taking a walk in the park or talking with a friend.

If one strives to develop or polish the world of Humanity within, he can improve and elevate his state of life, giving rise to vital wisdom and powerful life force. However, people do not always live in a tranquil state just because they are human. When one truly realizes that he is a human being and strives to develop his humanity, he can become truly human. We are genuinely “human” when, unsatisfied with our present condition, we put forth effort to further develop ourselves.

A famous psychologist concluded that human beings are basically lazy and must therefore be motivated by some promise of immediate reward, like a donkey that is urged on by a carrot on a stick. It is generally accepted that people work in accordance with the reward they expect to receive.

The reward, however, does not necessarily have to be a material one. It can be the “reward” of being able to tap and display our fullest potential. Certainly, if we can tap the wisdom and power we possess within to the fullest degree, then no matter what difficulty or bitterness we may face, we will feel a sense of purpose and joy as human beings.

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