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Tag: society and culture

A Writer’s Note

  I am uncertain about my life as much I am certain about few things. Writing is one of those things that helps me focus,...

The World’s Most Dangerous Animal

  There has always been a belief that human life functions only in ways that are predictably human. In truth, however, people do not limit...

Good Influence vs Bad Influence

  Human life possesses a vast multitude of functions and potentials. If we can fully harness these, we can accomplish great things. However, we often...

Who Is The Real Stalker?

  Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviours may include following the victim in person or...

Opinionated Talks And Hypocritical Beliefs

  Are you one? Or are you all? Are you the same person at home as the one at work? Do your opinions change with...

Living By Expectations

  When you live by expectations you only do as expected which is at times but often way below what you are capable of and...

The Essence of Human Rights : Part III

  Many leading thinkers around the world lament the fact that there is no country that can serve as an ideal for human rights. Our...

The Essence of Human Rights : Part II

  Continuing with our previous post on human rights we look into some more aspects. Those who are unable to see people of other countries...

The Essence of Human Rights

  Everyone has a right to flower, to reveal their full potential as a human being, to fulfill their mission in this world. You have...

Ignorance is the Root Cause of Self Destruction

  What is the major cause of death in our world? Is it a pandemic? Is it a disease? Is it a calamity? Or is...